7 Reasons Why You Should Join a Book Club

7 Reasons Why You Should Join a book Club

Infinite Love Homecare has always been an enthusiastic supporter of the elderly who seeks to improve their lives physically, emotionally, and mentally. We have always strongly advocated for maintaining good physical health, emotional stability, and mental acuity. Reading at old age is one of the things we strongly encourage – that’s why we’re giving you seven reasons why you should join a local book club.

A Book Club Allows You to Make New Friends

Friendships come from many places due to shared interests between two people. For example, in a book club, there’s a high chance that the people there love books. Joining a local book club allows you to meet people with the same interest in reading.

Joining a book club allows you to make new friends not just because the people there share an interest in reading with you. It also allows you to get to know them and how they think because of the discussion of ideas in book clubs. A book club encourages you to get to know other people because of its naturally social nature.

A Book Club Allows You to Remain in Contact with Old Friends

It isn’t easy to maintain old friendships as we grow older because of the many limits that come with age. We can’t do the same things we were able to do before, and organizing activities isn’t just as easy. Fortunately, a book club lets you get into social scenarios with old friends without organizing anything – if a third party hosts the club, that is. You might have to invite your friends to join the book club, but that’s a small price to pay to enjoy each other’s company amidst riveting discussions and sharpening of the mind.

A Book Club Motivates You to Read

You might genuinely enjoy reading, but getting through a book can sometimes be a chore. A book club gives you a more dedicated reason to pick up a book and mentally devour its pages regularly. In addition, most book clubs offer reading assignments that encourage you to read more chapters in a given amount of time.

The reading assignments of a book club are somewhat similar to positive peer pressure for you to do something good for yourself. You can build the habit of reading more quickly if there are people who expect you to read. Plus, if you want to bury your nose in a book most of the time, joining a book club is an excellent way to do it without feeling guilty that you are just wasting your time.

A Book Club Opens Your Eyes to Different Perspectives

We’ve mentioned that a book club opens you to many riveting discussions. When book club members meet, they discuss the book they are reading. They will dissect what they read, think of it, and express their opinions.

Sometimes, the opinions of different members will be different from each other. Being a book club member opens your eyes to many different perspectives.

A Book Club Broadens Your Horizon

Even if you are an avid reader, chances are you only read what you want to read. In a book club, someone else might decide what you would read next – whether through a collective group choice or if the chosen leader determines which books to read. While reading something you might not be interested in might sound horrible, it can broaden your horizons.

Reading outside your interests is conducive to personal growth. It allows you to see a world outside of what you already know. Having someone recommend reading materials can open your mind to different genres, people, cultures, places, and more.

A Book Club Improves Your Writing and Speaking Skills

Age should not limit your ability to hone your skills – at least, that’s what we believe in at Infinite Love Homecare. A book club enhances your writing and speaking skills for three reasons: it makes you read, encourages you to analyze ideas, and promotes communicating your ideas to others.

You get to encounter more unique words and improve your vocabulary when reading. Analyzing ideas from a book and expressing it in your own words is also great for improving your writing skills. Plus, communicating your ideas to others boosts your writing and speaking skills.

You will get to dissect ideas, themes, settings, plots, characters, and more aspects of a book that the author includes. It is a beautiful mental exercise.

A Book Club Gives You a Break from Life

We often seek entertainment to escape the harsh realities of life. Among the elderly, however, it can be challenging to adapt to the recreational activities of these modern times. The recreational pursuits of the average person typically include strenuous physical activities or the use of technology.

While seniors can learn to use technology or slowly get into physical activities, joining a book club is much easier. Books are a natural haven when you are reading them by yourself. But being part of a book club is a natural way of forgetting concerns while still being anchored with other people – the other members of the book club.

Don’t Have Time to Get into Books? We’re Here to Help

One of the primary reasons people can’t get into book clubs is that they don’t have the time. Seniors, we can help you with that. Infinite Love Homecare offers services that will remove the menial burdens of light housekeeping, meal preparation, grocery shopping, and more from the shoulders of the elderly.

We also provide specialized services that might include transportation or companionship for the elderly that need it. You can contact us by phone at (949)-529-4130 or the form on our Contact Us page. You can find us at City Tower 333 City Blvd. West Suite 1700, Orange, CA 92868.

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